
A Night from Nashville Successfully Raises $39,000 and Inspires Community to Come Together

July 9, 2023

A Night from Nashville, held on Sunday July 9th at Port Moody Inlet Theatre, was a spectacular evening of entertainment and philanthropy, raising over $39,000 towards Eagle Ridge Hospital’s greatest needs. Attendees were treated to unforgettable performances by returning Nashville country music artists Eric Van Houten and Heath Warren, along with a surprise special guest, Chase Rice. The event provided a unique opportunity for music lovers and supporters of our cause to come together and raise funds for equipment at Eagle Ridge Hospital (ERH), as well as health programs throughout the community that are funded by the Foundation.

During A Night from Nashville, Ryan and Lucas Johansen also took the stage beside 13 year old Hartley Renard, daughter of Port Moody Police Officer Fraser Renard, to share her personal experience when last year, on the same day as the 2022 Ryan and Lucas Johansen Charity Golf Classic, she broke her leg at sports practice while her parents were at the golf tournament. Hartley was one of the first patients to be treated in the newly renovated Emergency Department at ERH. Her touching account showcased the profound impact of Foundation donors in improving healthcare and providing exceptional care to those in need in our community.

“Now, there’s a lot of irony in my story. To begin, I’m friends with Ryan, and he’s part of the Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation, that provided funding for the [Emergency] expansion,” Hartley recounted during her speech. “To add to the irony, while my mom was waiting for the doctor, she received a notification that she had won an item at the ERHF silent action.”

To a captivated audience, Hartley added, “There has been ups and downs however, I believe it’s made me better in so many different ways. I am thankful for Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation as it has helped so many people in the Tri-Cities and I hope through sharing my experience you can see first hand how your contributions in events like tonight can truly make a difference for everyone in our community.”

We thank the Johansen Family, artists Eric Van Houten, Health Warren and Chase Rice, as well as Hartley Renard for their incredible support of our Foundation, and bringing the community together for a night of inspiration and philanthropy.

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