
Tri-City Chinese Community Society (TCCS) Donates $22,536.08 to ERHF’s “Emergency Needs during the COVID-19 Response Fund”

April 3, 2020

The team at Eagle Ridge Hospital (ERH) and Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation (ERHF) are extending a heartfelt thank you to the Tri-City Chinese Community Society (TCCS) who recently donated $22,536.08 to our “Emergency Needs during the COVID-19 Response Fund”.

The TCCS has been a supporter of ERHF since late 2018, largely raising funds through hosting 3rd party events, with the Foundation being the proud beneficiary. The Society is a non-political, non-religious, nonprofit organization whose ultimate goal is to provide a platform for communication, exchange and mutual assistance for Chinese people to live and work in peace and contentment as they settle into the Tri-Cities area.

Their gift truly kick-started the fundraising for ERHF’s Emergency Needs during the COVID-19 Response Fund, focused on collecting donations to provide help to patients and staff as the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis unfolds within our community – the funds will be distributed to the urgent and greatest need at ERH during this time.

“After we received notice that ERHF established the Emergency Needs during the COVID-19 Response Fund we began to spread the word within the Tri-City Chinese Community Society (TCCS)”, says President, Linda Li. “Some of our members donated through the website while other members donated through a fund established by the TCCS for the Covid-19 pandemic. We also have donors from outside the Tri-Cities community – residents from Vancouver, West Vancouver, White Rock, and Surrey. More impressively, we received donations from residents of China who have children studying in Canada,” added Linda Li.

Linda went on to challenge other community groups to do the same stating, “We wish that through our actions we can inspire others from different communities to do the same. Some of our donors have been laid off but still gave in an effort to help in the fight against COVID-19. We want to express our gratitude to everyone who has contributed from our community and encourage others to stay home and donate to ERHF’s emergency response fund.”

“Speaking on behalf of the teams at ERH and the Foundation, we are truly grateful to the TCCS for their continued loyalty and leadership,” says Charlene Giovannetti-King, Executive Director of ERHF. “On behalf of our patients and our exceptional health care staff, who every day put their own health at risk to ensure our patients receive the compassionate and best care possible in this time of crisis, we thank this group of exceptional individuals for their continued support.”

To learn more about the “Emergency Needs during the COVID-19 Response Fund” and to donate, visit

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